Episoodo 4: Episoodo 4: Za Fusokufuri Bondo wa Burookun...Ira wa Kizutsukeru
{Episode 4: The Bond is Broken. Ira is hurt}

Authors Note: Ack...no dedications today. Actually I take that back. This episode goes out to my best friend (one of them) Lexy, who said I was a "work of art." Thanks for the poem Lexy and you're such a sweetie. This episode is dedicated to you.
Well I wrote this rather late so hopefully this episode won't be too long...at least not like episode 4 was O_O
Here goes.

      It was night. Just after sunset.
Ira lay in her bed, the covers pulled around her. Enzeru had stayed so far the whole time. It really had caught her off guard. Enzeru wasn't this dedicated usually. She had even mentioned that the sun was going down but he declined to go. The very idea touched her heart in such a way, it left her feeling indescribable.

      "Aa chikushoume..." Enzeru cursed. He angrily threw down the paddle. "That's the last time!! Shimatta mina e jigoku!"

      "...Enzeru-Kun yameru!" Ira snapped, and shot him a stern glare.

      Enzeru swung his head back to look over at her. His short, wispy brown hair fell into his hazel eyes. "Doushita?" he asked quizzically as if nothing at all were wrong. She and Enzeru had spent most of the day in her room, playing on her recently acquired game console that a friend had given her as a gift.
"That's new Enzeru, if you mess it up-"
"Ga maro ashige mai ketsu?" he asked, almost teasingly. He then grinned. Ira blinked but leaned forward, glaring. "Chikushou sutoreeto!" she said retorting.
"Aww Ira-chan...dochimichi" he sighed, still grinning. "Dochimichi..."
Ira was about to throw back a comment but Enzeru stood before she could say another word. Ira's headache had long since ceased. It only hurt occasionally and now she could sit up without pain or discomfort. However Enzeru had seen to it she stayed in bed.

      "Shimatta..." Enzeru muttered. "My dad will be pissed..."
Ira looked down. She felt a tad bit guilty for him being here with her. She knew Enzeru's father was strict. Enzeru had three other little brothers but Enzeru's father strained Enzeru the most, using him to set a good example for the others. Ira hated knowing Enzeru would be in so much trouble.

      "Sumimasen...Enzeru-Kun" she said, looking up at him. Enzeru shrugged. "Aren't you worried?"

      "Jigoku noo" Enzeru said smiling. Ira watched him, feeling a little remorse to see him go. She was always alone in this big house. She wouldn't lie that she did occasionally get lonely. Enzeru's company was definitely welcomed.

      "Stay in bed Ira-chan. You're dad still gone?"
Ira only nodded. If she said anymore she felt almost guilty. She had no clue why. It certainly wasn't her fault. Then again maybe she just didn't want a lecture...

      "Tai otou-san wa ai hiretsukan"  Enzeru muttered, not even daring to face Ira.
Ira felt a jolt of genuine shock run through her. Enzeru was her friend yes, but he had never really cared too much about her life or her predicament. He was just that way. Ira always suspected it was a way of "protecting" himself.

"I gotta go" Enzeru sharply cut her off. Ira looked down. "Bye...Enzeru..."
"Bai" he responded, walking out the door. Ira sat in silence a moment until she heard the front door close. "Enzeru..."


      Enzeru walked down the street, looking straight ahead and trying desperately hard to not think of Ira. It was pure oushikuso how her father treated her. Like she didn't even exist. Enzeru shook his head.
It wasn't his problem.
Ira was a big girl. She could take care of herself. Enzeru knew that. He also knew damn well that giving a damn about others only led to smashed feelings.

      "Enzeeeeerrruuu-Kun!" a sing song voice called. Enzeru looked over his shoulder. He saw Juri and Emiko jogging over to him.
"Ohayo Enzeru-Kun" Juri greeted pleasantly. Emiko sat blushing like a stupid idiot. Enzeru hated when girls blushed. It made him feel weird.
"Kora..." he greeted bluntly. He was going to be in so much trouble.
Shimatta! Damu hade gaaru! Shimekeru to reeibu ware hitoride! he mentally urged. He could stand Hana because he USE to be on good terms with her but her little minions were quite another story. Every word that came out of their mouth sounded insanely stupid.

      "So did you just leave Ira-chan's house?" Juri prodded. What was she getting at?
"Hai..." he added, starting to get a bit annoyed.

      "You left in a hurry...is everything okay?"

      Enzeru knew where this was headed. He'd say whatever and they'd run off to report to their leader. Enzeru sighed.
"Hai..." he then grinned. "We spent all day making mad, passionate love. I had her REALLY going!"

      The look on Juri and Emiko's faces was positively awesome. Enzeru wanted to say "Yeah! Now leave me the hell alone"
but instead he just grinned, attempting to not laugh harshly in their face. Instead he pushed past them.


      Ira wasn't positive what had happened but she caught a glimpse of Juri and Emiko run off. Ira shrugged and continued to follow Enzeru, holding his necklace he had dropped callously at her house.


      "He what?!" Hana shrieked, blinking and staring at the two girls as though they were ghosts.

      "That's what he said" Juri said with a nod.

      Hana felt red hot anger boil up inside of her. How dare that little tramp do such a thing?! Enzeru was always hers long before he even met Himeko Ira. She didn't understand why Enzeru had pulled back from her for that gaishou. Hana looked up defiantly. "Za hoshi gi..." she muttered.

      "Nani?" Emiko said, eyeing Hana oddly. Hana shook her head. "It's not important. I've got to go" she said, pushing past the two girls.

      Juri eyed Hana as she left. "What's wrong Juri-chan?" Emiko asked, giving her a puzzled glance. Juri never took her eyes off Hana. "She's planning something..."


      Fuyu could sense the Kyuuseishu near. Very near. Her catlike, golden eyes gleamed with excitement. She felt the adrenaline rush in her veins. She allowed a soft smile to play across her lips. She decided she liked being human. The feel of adrenaline was addicting. She liked it.

      Fuyu hadn't even bothered with a petty disguise as Haru had. Why bother? She wasn't going to mess around. More importantly she wasn't going to mess up. Fuyu grinned as the power level peaked.

      A girl walked hurriedly across the park. Fuyu glanced at her from behind a tree. "You're mine..."


      Hana glanced around, looking frantically for Enzeru. Suddenly she shivered. The night seemed to turn cold. "...nani...?" Hana whispered, backing up. She pulled her arms around herself. It was beyond nippy. It was freezing.
Hana glanced around. She stepped back and found herself slipping and falling hard. She sat up, wincing and rubbing her sore behind. "...Nani za-"
What Hana saw turned her skin white.


      "...but it's the middle of spring..." she muttered. Hana got on her knees, reaching over with a trembling hand. She neared her fingers to the ice. As she touched it's glassy surface a heel set down firmly, nearly crushing Hana's hand.

      Hana looked up into the cold eyes of the Joou no Aisu. Fuyu.
"Time to stop messing around. You ARE coming with me" Fuyu said with an icy demand to her tone. Hana glared but only for a moment. Her glare turned to a look of genuine fear as Fuyu held out her hand, forming a long, sharp, slick icicle like dagger.

      Hana screamed.


      Ira stopped. Something wasn't right. The wind held an icy breath to it. Not at all normal for being in the middle of spring. Ira then heard the scream that chilled her bones, even more so than the wind. Ira didn't know why. She didn't honestly know what good she could do whoever it was that had screamed, but she ran to them none the less.


      Fuyu roughly dove at Hana with the ice dagger. Hana screamed again and rolled out of the way. "Shimatta...hold still." Fuyu said, her eyes locking on Hana. She dove once more, slashing into Hana's arm. Hana cried out, instinctively pressing her left hand to her arm. Hana only just noticed the cold, stinging flakes against her skin. Snow.

      Hana's crimson red blood dropped on a few sparce snowflakes. She struggled to atleast get up. If she could atleast fight...
Hana found herself on a patch of solid ice. There was no chance she was getting up. She shielded herself as Fuyu gave her a grin of death. Her eyes held no sorrow. No emotion. "Time to come with me..."

      Then as quickly as Fuyu had brought the dagger down, she was hit very harshly to the ground. Everything happened too quickly.

      Enzeru stood glaring. He walked over to the fallen Fuyu and yanked her up. The girl was only about seventeen. His age. She could very easily have passed for gorgeous, had she not held the icy, inhuman persona.

      Enzeru kicked her fallen knife away. Fuyu raised an eyebrow, seeming unphased. "...kuwabara..." Fuyu whispered. She then allowed the same smirk to slip over her lips.

      Enzeru became enraged. "Kisama...nani wa sou fanii?!!" he screamed. This girl creeped him out. What's more is how nothing he did seemed to scare her. Instead she laughed, as though he had just told the funniest joke.

      "Haru-chan...was right..." she whispered with a mad tone to her voice. "Chiisai Haru-Chan was right..." she repeated, then looked directly into his eyes. Enzeru repressed a shudder. "I'll return. Very soon..."

      Enzeru eyed her very suspiciously, ready to throw her back to the ground, but as he was tempted, she chanted a small phrase and turned to a vibrant blue light.
Enzeru released his grip on what was once Fuyu and stumbled back. He stood there dumbfounded until a moan broke his thoughts.

      Hana lay bleeding. Her side was cut very badly from Fuyu's final attack. Enzeru sighed and helped her up. Hana had tears in her eyes. "Enzeru...Enzeru-kun..."
Enzeru shifted a little uncomfortably. Usually he'd just walk away from girls who cry. But Hana was hurt and there was no leaving.
"Hissori" Enzeru whispered to Hana, holding her in his arms to support her. The wound was bad.

      "...Enzeru ...don't let me go..."
Enzeru eyed her like she was mad but then his look softened as he saw suffering in her eyes. "Shimatta..." he muttered. "You're hurt bad..."
At that point Hana broke into sobs. "Don't leave...don't leave...don't leave again..." she cried. Enzeru stood shocked. "Nani?"
Hana looked pale, on the verge of death or fainting. "I love you...E-enzeru-kun...i...love...please..." she sobbed. "Don't leave me..."
Enzeru stood unable to know what to do. How did he respond to this? Especially when she was in pain as she was. Enzeru hardly noticed as Hana pressed her lips, softly to his.

      Enzeru pulled her closer, breaking the kiss slowly. "Hana...you're hurt... you need rest...let's go..." he said trying to assure her. She's just hurt. She isn't thinking right. Tell her what she wants to hear.
"Enzeru-Kun I love you...please..." she pleaded. Enzeru nodded. "Likewise. Now calm down. I love you too Hana..."
She probably won't remember. Just tell her what she needs to hear right now to shut her-
Enzeru's thoughts were interrupted as he turned. He was staring directly into Ira's face.

      Enzeru could only study her for a moment. He saw brief flash of pain in her eyes, then he saw her conceal it.
Ira said nothing. She turned away.

      Shimatta! What is she doing here?! Enzeru thought angrily. "Ira-chan I-"

      Enzeru felt his anger break as he heard Ira whisper "Take care of her..." in a voice that could only be described as one word.


Episoodo 5: Ira-Chan, furendo? Hantaisha? Wa nyuu yokoku rashii
{Episode 5: Ira, friend? Foe? A new ally appears}